Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Jersey "COW" Fed Adoption Attorney

Article by David Archuletta, 2009

With his/her booty brought across state lines into New Jersey, what does the DHS do when an adoption attorney gets caught dispensing stolen infants as opposed to stolen cartons of cigarettes? __ Answer, absolutely nothing. __ However, the ICPC does tax him/her on the smokes!

Being the most corrupt state in the union, it is easy to invent attorney jokes at the "Garden State Elite" esquires' expense. However, as the subject matter and "butt" of the joke, it is this smooth, "Joe Cool" practitioner of wrongful adoption that gets the last laugh! Yet, unscrupulous adoption attorneys are only a minute part of the problem!

New Jersey is the most friendly infant adoption state in the country since 1998. This is when amended into law was state statute N.J.S.A. 9:3-39 1[b, c]. _ An enactment brought about, _ NOT by popular vote! There are many affluent people in New Jersey. That said, I wonder how many of this state's legislatures had stock in Toys "R" Us, or the likes thereof...

In the nineties, any child product company that was in business prospered right along with the multi-billion adoption industry. Everyone made off like bandits. Only now are children oriented stores beginning to feel the state of our economy. [No doubt, gobbled up by the corporate Willy Wonk's; "Ooompa, oompa..., what do you get?"]

This perspective shows how easy a changed law coupled with the lame, and inept, "Where is Big Brother," Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children further fuel this industry.

Is it enticing? Just ask Veronica Serio, the former executive director of Children of the World Adoption Agency. Incredulously, this woman, a co-writer of New Jersey adoption law with Seton Hall Proffesor James Boskey recklessly crashed her career in search of golden child.