Sunday, December 13, 2009


By Tammy Rice

Bubbling excitement just below the surface,
Possibilities trying to push through,
Up from the depths,
Out towards the light,
Like the first daffodil of Spring.

All it takes is the smallest of openings,
Unseen to the naked eye,
But felt deep in the heart,
Setting in perfect harmonious motion,
The magical coming together of mind, body, and spirit.

The path is not planned out,
It unfolds, slowly, one step at a time,
through both obvious and discrete developments,
requiring an open mind, yet quiet vigilance,
so a turn is not missed, or a hidden treasure unfound.

Aahhh. . . the anticipation of the journey,
No expectations, no disappointments,
Just pure and simple delight of what lies ahead,
Around the next bend, over the horizon,
The true joy of being, in the moment, now, today.

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